Elliott Wilden shares recollections of Mountain Meadows with Andrew Jenson.

Jan 29, 1892 - Jan 30, 1892
Meeting Minutes / Notes
Ellott Willden
Scribed Paraphrase
2nd Hand

Ellott Willden, Statements and Corrections, January 29–30, 1892, Andrew Jenson Collection, Church History Library, MS 17956, in BYU Studies 47, no. 3 (2008): 78-95

Andrew Jenson
Joel W. White, James Holt Haslam, Ellott Willden, Andrew Jenson, John Doyle Lee, Isaac C. Haight
Andrew Jenson

Welden Arkansas Company passed through Cedar not later than the 28th of August (Cor. Haslem p. 85) because he arrived home from a prolonged trip on that day, and when he came home, the company had already passed through Welden knows positively it was Aden was killed by Stewart from his own statement, to him and the other W. afterwards saw the bodies of the other two being carried over a ridge. Aden was killed in broad daylight and the other two in the night, as stated, by Klinginsmith and crowd going to the Meadows. McFarlane went out with this company. This last was on the Wednesday <night> Aden killed on Monday, or perhaps Tuesday W. It was understood by Welden and others who first went out to M Meadows that they were to find occasion or something that would justify the Indians being let loose upon the emigrants but this was not to have taken place until th[ey] reached the Santa Clara, where the opportun[ity] for such an attack was most excellent. The affair on Monday was not in the programme, nor the killing done by Stewart., After that it seemed to become necessary to kill all to silence the rest, hence the tan Bark Council and other councils in Parowan and Cedar to decide what to do in the dillemma Welden Cont. The cattle, 2 yokes to each wagon, that hauled the wagons in from the Meadows to the Cedar City, was turned out taken out onto to the Hamilton Range, to range about Hamiltons <Fort> where they would be out of the way and not be identified by Dukes Missouri Company that was expected to pass through right away. What afterwards became of them is not known, only some were gathered up and sold Lee How could Geo. A. Smith meet the Arkansas Company at Corn Creek on the 25 of August when it did not pass through Cedar later than the 28th of August? Geo A Smith must be mistaken about dates Parowan The Arkansas Company passed through Parowan and camped over night at wha on the flat below what is locally known as Barton’s Spring about ¾ mile southwest of the centre of Parowan. When traveling from Pargoonah to Parowan several of the citizens heard them make use of the most terrible oaths, one man calling his ox Brigham, denouncing him as a whoremaster etc., using all kinds of epithets. Thomas Henderson remembers Silas S. Smith talking about this, and others The first plan was that the Indians should not attack the company until the[y] got down on the Santa Clara, and then no white men were to take part, and only men to be killed and booty taken, but no women and children killed. The attack on Monday was not “then a part of the plan according to statements of Lee Dame and Haight afterwards; the break was made because Lee could not hold the Indians back. This was known before the break was made—that is the Santa Clara affair hence the boys at Hamblin’s were astonished to learn of the attack on Monday morning. Council then with Clewes express to Lee to keep the Indians back, but this break was made before Thornton got to the Meadows on Monday. The original plan was to kill have the Indians were to attack on Santa Clara, instead of the civil authorities arresting the offenders in Cedar because of their profanity The calling of men by Higbee and Klingensmith to go to the Meadows was done in Council, and Higbee did claim to act under orders from Haight and Lee. A number of Councils were held. [bottom of page, upside down] Devaul, Daniel, 725 It can not be ascerned, S Confidential It is It is understood that Lee, in his confession, which he alludes to his own tender-heartedness, misrepresents; it is well known that he, Wm C Stewart Klingensmith, Joel Whit were the most bloodthirsty. MCMurdy an[d] Sam Knights an[d] believes that they would not have taken their part, and this was indeed the case with the majority of the men who participated, & Several were kno[w]n to have shed tears right on the ground, and it was only in obedience to ther orders that they would have had ayh [anything?] at all to [illegible] in the affair

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