George Powers the army and Indian preparation for possible military action he witnessed.

Oct 27, 1857
News (traditional)
George Powers

George Powers in Daily Alta California (San Francisco), October 27, 1857, 1

Daily Alta California
George Powers
Reading Public

We found the Mormons making very determined preparations to fight the United States troops, whenever they may arrive. On our way in, we met three companies of 100 men each, armed and on the road toward the pass above Fort Bridger. I was told at Fort Bridget, that at Fort Supply, twelve miles this side of Fort Bridget, there were 400 armed Indians awaiting orders; they also said that there were 60,000 pounds of flour stored at Fort Bridget for the use of their army. We found companies drilling every evening in the city. The Mormons declared to us that no U.S. troops should ever cross the mountains; they talked and acted as though they were willing to take a brush with Uncle Sam. We remained in Salt Lake City five days, and then pushed on, hoping we might overtake a larger train, which had started ten days ahead of us, and which proved to be the train that was massacred. We came on to Buttermilk Fort, near the Lone Cedar 176 miles, and found the inhabits greatly enraged at the train which had just passed, declaring that they had abused the Mormon women, calling them w---s, &c., and letting on about the men. The people had refused to sell that train any provisions, and told us they were sorry they had not killed them there; but they knew it would be done before they got in. They stated further that they were holding their Indians in check until the arrival of their chief, when he would follow the train and cut it to pieces.

BHR Staff Commentary

Based on a letter by its Los Angeles correspondent dated October 24, 1857.

Citations in Mormonr Qnas
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