Forney writes to Anderson concerning his investigations into massacre. Lists surviving children.

May 10, 1859
Jacob Forney

Jacob Forney, Letter, May 5, 1857, rep. Valley Tan 1, no. 28 (May 10, 1859): 2

The Valley Tan
Sarah Dunlap, William Taggit, John Calvin Soriel, Francis Hawn, Charles Francher, Rebecca Dunlap Evins, Elisha W. Huff, Sophrona Mary Huff, Jacob Forney, Prudence Angeline
Reading Public

From information received from persons in and out of the Mormon Church, and observations whilst at the place, enables me to say that the emigrant party in question, arrived and camped at the spring in the south end of the valley, Friday, Sept. 7th or 8th, 1857. The amount of property is variously from 200 to 700 head, and ten to thirty wagons. My own impression is, that they had 600 head of cattle and about 40 wagons. It is said the firing commenced Monday, Sept. 10, before daylight, and that the firing was by the Indians fighting the said emigrant party then in camp at the spring, as already stated. The firing was continued, some say five, others say seven days. During the five or seven days of firing and fighting by the Indians, the emigrant party was corralled, that is, they made a corrall and temporary fort by their wagons, and filled under the wheels and to the bed of the wagons with sand and earth dug in the centre of corral. I saw the ditch and other evidences of there having been a corral. Sept. 17th 1857, morning, a friendly Indian, and who could talk English, came in the corral, the inmates having then been without water from five to seven days; made arrangements or treaty with said Indian. The Indians to have the property, and to spare the lives of the whites, and permit them to return to Painter Creek and Cedar City. From the spring and corral to the place where it is said they were murdered, and where I saw the graves for imperfect holes) is at least one mile and a half . . . I say in the beginning of my letter that I purposed bringing to this city certain children remaining of the Mountain Meadow massacre. These children; sixteen in number, I have now in my possession. Thirteen I got in Santa Clara, at Mr. J. Hamblin’s, who collected them in pursuance to my directions, and three I got in Cedar City on our way home, left there by Mr. Hamblin. I am pleased to say that Mr. Hamblin has discharged his duty in relation to the collection and keeping of those children. John Calvin, now 7 or 8 years old; does not remember his name; says his family lived at Horse Head, Johnston co., Arkansas. Ambrose Mironi, about 7 years, and William Taggit, 4 ½ years, brothers; these also lived in Johnston co. Prudence Angeline, 6 years, and Annie, about 3 years; these two are said to be sisters. Rebecca, 9 years; Louisa, 5 years, and Sarah, 3 ½ years; from Dunlap. Betsy, 6 years, and Annie, 3 years; said to be sisters; these know nothing of their family or residence. Charles Francher, 7 or 8 years, and his sister Annie, 3 ½ years. Sophronia or Mary Huff, 6 years, and Elisha W. Huff, 4 years. A boy; no account of him. Those among whom he lived call him William. Francis Hawn or Korn, 4 ½ years old.

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