Brigham Young wants to bring charges against those responsible for the massacre but federal prosecutors do not.

Jul 5, 1859
Personal Journal / Diary
Brigham Young
Scribed Paraphrase

Historian’s Office Journal, July 5, 1859, Carruth transcription of Deseret Alphabet entry, Church History Library

J. Ferguson, Brigham Young, George A. Smith, Albert Carrington, Alexander Wilson
George A. Smith

Pres<ide>nt in the middle office. G. A. Smith, A Carrington and J. Ferguson. were present. Conversing in relation to the Mountain Meadow Massacre.

Attorney Wilson called to see President Young, to consult with him about making some arrests of parties accused of being engaged in that offense. The Pres. said that if the judges would open a court at Parowan or some other convenient location in the south, and would go there and hold a court, unprejudiced and uninfluenced by the presence of the army, so that men could have a fair

and impartial trial He would go there himself, and he presumed that Gov. Cumming would also go, and that he would use all his influence to have the parties arrested and have the whole thing matter investigated thoroughly and impartially and justice meeted out to every man; but as for using his influence or making any exertion to arrest men to be treated like dogs and dragged about

by the army, and confined and abused by them as has been the case here to fore, he would not crook his finger to arrest any person, if they will not they must hunt them up themselves Attorney Wilson said he did not consider it fair to drag men and their witnesses 200 or 300 miles to trial.

BHR Staff Commentary

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