Hymn (1869 hymnal) urging Saints to "Return good for evil to those who oppress" while awaiting the return of Jesus.


Hymn 320 in Sacred Hymns and Spiritual Songs. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (13th ed.; London: L.D. Saints' Book Depot, 1869), 383-85

L.D. Saints' Book Depot
Latter-day Saints

HYMN 320. (P.M.)

1 Deseret, Deseret! 'tis the home of the free, And dearer than all other lands 'tis to me; Where the Saints are secure from oppression and strife, And enjoy to the full the rich blessings of life. 'Tis a land which for ages has been lying waste, Where the savage has wandered, by darkness debased; Where the wolf and the bear unmolested did roam,— Away, far away! Deseret is my home. 2 Deseret, Deseret! she has long been opprest, But now, for a while, she is taking her rest, She feels like a giant, refreshed with new wine And enjoys from Jehovah his blessings benign. There are hearts that can feel for another's deep woe, And with charity, blessings on others bestow; Return good for evil to those who oppress, And await the time coming to give them redress.

. . . 4 Deseret, Deseret! she's the pride of the world, Where the banner of freedom is widely unfurled; Where oppression is hated and liberty loved, And truth and sincerity highly approved; Where labor is honored, nor workman oppressed; Where youth is instructed and age finds a rest; Where society frowns upon vice and deceit, And adulterers find Heaven's laws they must meet. 5 Deseret, Deseret shows the pattern to all That all may take warning ere Bab'lon shall fall And flee to the mountains when trouble shall come, To be free from the plagues in this beautiful home. O, how my heart yearns for the time to draw near When earth will be freed from oppression and fear, And the truth rule triumphant o'er sea and o'er land, And Jesus as King of the nations will stand.

BHR Staff Commentary

Hymn (1869 hymnal) speaking of how the peoples' deliverance from oppression is near and that the Gentiles will bow beneath the rod of God. Often cited by critics as evidence of how violent the Church was under BY's presidency.

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