Brigham Young commands the people to refrain from shedding blood if it can be avoided.

Sep 14, 1857
Brigham Young
Scribed Verbatim

Brigham Young, Letter to William H. Dame, September 14, 1857, CR 1234 1, Church History Library

Thomas Bullock
Brigham Young, Daniel H. Wells, William H. Dame, Isaac C. Haight
William H. Dame

Col W.M. H. Dame. Parowan, Iron Co. Herewith you will receive the Governor’s Proclamation, declaring Martial Law. You will probably not be called out this fall, but are required to continue to make ready for a big fight another year. The plan of operations is supposed to be about these. In case the U.S. Government should send out an overpowering force, we intend to desolate the Territory and conceal our families, Stock, and all our effects in the fastnesses of the mountains, where they will be safe while the men, waylay our enemies, attack them from ambush, stampede their animals, take the Supply trains cut off detachments, and parties sent to the Kanyons for wood, or on other service. To lay waste to everything that will burn, houses, fences, trees, fields, grass, that they cannot find a particle of any thing that will be of use to them, not even sticks to make a fire for to cook their suppers. To waste away our enemies and lose none, that will be our mode of warfare. Thus you see the necessity of preparing, first secure places in the mountains where they cannot find us, or if they do where they cannot approach in any force, and then prepare for our families building some cabins cacheing flour and grain. Flour should be ground in the latter part of winter or early in the Spring in order to keep. Sow grain in your fields early as possible this fall so that the harvest of another year may come off before they have time to get here. Conciliate the Indians and make them our fast friends. In regard to letting people pass, or travel through the Territory, this applies to all stranger and suspected persons. Yourself and Bro. Isaac C. Haight in your district are authorized to give such permits. Examine all such persons strictly before giving them permits to pass, Keep things perfectly quiet and let all things be done peacefully but with firmness and lt there be no excitement. Let the people be united in their feelings and faith as well as works and keep alive the spirit of the Reformation, and what we said in regard to saving the grain and provisions, we say again let there be no waste, save life always when it is possible, we do not wish to shed a drop of blood if it can be avoided. This course will give us great influence abroad.

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