Mountain Meadows's survivor Sallie Baker Gladden Mitchell shares her memories of the massacre in 1940.

Aug 25, 1940
Sallie [Sarah Francis] Baker Gladden Mitchell

"The Mountain Meadows Massacre--An Episode on the Road to Zion," The American Weekly, August 25, 1940. Transcription taken from Innocent Blood: Essential Narratives of the Mountain Meadows Massacre, ed. David L. Bigler and Will Bagley (Kingdom in the West: The Mormons and the American Frontier volume 12; Norman, Oklahoma: The Arthur H. Clark Company, 2008), 437

The American Weekly
Mary Levina Baker, Martha Elizabeth Evins (Baker), William Baker, Sallie [Sarah Francis] Baker Gladden Mitchell
Reading Public

When the massacre started, Mother had my baby brother, Billy, in her lap and my two sisters, Betty and Mary Levina, were sitting in the back of the wagon. Billy wasn’t quite two, Betty was about five and Vine was eight. We never knew what became of Vina. Betty saw some Mormons leading her over the hill, while the killing was still going on. Maybe they treated her the way the Dunlap girls were treated. Later on I’m going to tell about the horrible thing that happened to them. And maybe they raised her up to be a Mormon. We never could find out. Betty, Billy and I were taken to a Mormon home and kept there till the soldiers rescued us, along with the other children, about a year later, and carried us back to our folks in Arkansas. Captain James Lynch was in charge of the soldiers who found us, and I’ve got an interesting little thing to tell about him, too, when I get around to it . . . There has been a lot of argument over how much part of the Indians played in the massacre and how much of it was due to the Mormons, some people even saying that the Indians didn’t have anything to do with it at all, and that some of the Mormons disguised themselves as Indians just to lay the blame on them. I can’t say as to the truth of that but I do know that my sister Betty, who died only a few months ago, always insisted that she had seen a lot of the Mormons down at the creek after it was all over, washing paint off their faces, and that some of them at least had disguised themselves as Indians. At any rate, while the Indians or a crowd o savage looking men that appeared to be Indians, went around making sure that all the grown-ups were dead and giving a final shot to any who looked as if they had a spark of life left in them and also robbing the bodies of valuables—well, while that was going on the Mormons rounded up all us children and took us off to their homes . . .we were treated right well in the Mormon homes where we lived until we were rescued.

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