Mary H. White shares her recollections of the Mountain Meadows Massacre with Andrew Jenson.

Jan 1892
Mary H. White
Scribed Paraphrase
3rd Hand

Mary H. White, Statement, January 1892, as found in the Andrew Jenson Collection, Church History Library, MS 17956, in BYU Studies 47, no. 3 (2008): 54-57

Andrew Jenson
Mary H. White, Samuel D. White, Andrew Jenson, Isaac C. Haight
Andrew Jenson

Mrs. Mary H. White, widow after Samuel D. White, and now 73 years old, residing in Beaver, testified in the presence of Andrew Jenson and her son, Charles D. White Jan. 24, 1892, that she remember the Arkansas company passing through Hamiltons Fort, where she then lived, in the latter part of August, 1857; they begged butter milk, and traded traded with Bro White a mule for a horse, which was afterwards seen in possession of the Indians. White was a member of the High Council, but opposed the killing of the company, and he was not in the council meeting that decided to kill the company. The Company passed through Hamilton’s Fort and camped at Quitsampaugh, about 6 miles southwest of Hamiltons Fort; while camped there, for several days, a good place to recrute their animals, White visited the company there and traded his horse; and some of the Indians were also camped at the bottoms, some of them came to Camp and conversed with White, who could talk the Indian tongue. Indians wanted to know why the Mormons did not kill the company, as had been talked of in Cedar but White tried to pacify them by telling them that the brethren in Cedar meant the soldiers, not the women and children in that company. Afterwards White told Isaac C Haight what he had done, and Haight appeared to be angry and told White he wished they would let Indians alone. It was soon after the massac[r]e had taken place that the other company passed through, taking the Black Ridge road. Sister White remembers some of the emigrant goods in the tithing office <cellar> at Cedar. Sister White and husband spent a sleepless night, when they were informed that the company would be destroyed. And after it was done, everybody was silenced not to speak about it and not to talk about it to any one. Sister White bought a dress little girls dress from an Indian, that had belonged to an emigrant girl. It was supposed that Lee kept most of the spoil, including a large number of cattle; and only a <small> portion was sent up to Salt Lake City. up north.

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