Joseph favors laws to prevent mixed race marriages.
Joseph Smith, Journal, January 2,1843, The Joseph Smith Papers website, accessed May 13, 2021
Elder [Orson] Hyde was present. & after Supper asked what is the situation of the Negro? They come into the world slaves mentally & phy[s]ically. change their situation with the white & they would be like tthem. they have souls & are subjects of salvation go into cincinati— & find one— educated rid[e]s in his carriage he has risen by the power of his mind to his exal[te]d state. of r[e]spectability. Slaves in washington more refind than the presidents. boys will take the shine off those they brush & wait on.— Says Elder Hyde put them on the level & they will rise above me.— Joseph[:] if I raised you to be my equal & then attempt to oppress you would you not be indignant, & Try to rise above me? . . . had I any thing to do with the negro— I would confine them to by strict Laws to their own Species put them on a national Equalization"