Brigham criticizes interracial marriage and mentions "if they were far away from the Gentiles they would all [h]av[e] to be killed."
Meeting Minutes (December 2, 1847) CR 100 318, Church History Library, accessed October 23, 2021
Pres. Young If they were far away from the Gentiles they would all [h]av[e] to be killed—When they mingle seed it is death to all. if a black man & white woman come to you & demand baptism can you deny them? the law is their seed shall not be amalgamated Mulattoes r like mules they cant have the children, but if they will be eunuchs for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake they may have a place in the Temple
The context for Brigham's remark was this statement by William I. Appleby:
Wm. Smith ordained a black man Elder at Lowell & he has married a White girl they have a child