John Whitaker cites "one drop" rule in justifying restricting Nelson Ritchie from receiving sealing.
John Whitaker, "Memorandum from the daily journal," December 1, 1909, 150, accessed May 11, 2021
Whitaker "had a long conversation with Brother Nelson Holder Ritchie, father of 12 children and living in the Pleasant view ward. As soon as he crossed the thresh hold of the front door, I felt that he had negro blood in him. He came for a recommend to go through the temple and I asked many questions concerning his birth. He told me his father was a pure blooded Cherokee India[n] and that he never knew his mother, but was told by some friends she was very dark, Creole or mulatto, and a woman by the [name] of Nancy McNeal raised him. he told me he explained to his present wife before he married her all he knew of his genealogy and they want to go through the temple. He has been faithful and a good provider and saw no reason why he could not. But that feeling still persisted and I had many conversations with him on the matter. . ."